Affordable, one-time priceYou do not need to create an account or sign up for a monthly payment to use BananaSplit. Purchase it once and it is yours forever, including all future updates.
Use your own sounds and musicWant to incorporate your favorite movie soundtrack? Do it! Gotta have that catchy shop jingle from a popular video game? Go for it! BananaSplit lets you use whatever sounds and music you have available in your personal collection without restriction.
No internet requiredThere is absolutely no requirement to be on the internet to use BananaSplit (besides downloading the initial install files, getting future updates, and watching tutorial videos, of course).
No DRMI want you to be able to use BananaSplit without compromise or hassle. Draconian efforts to control licensing only end up hurting legitimate customers, so I've opted to make BananaSplit DRM-free.